Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Here it is people! THE RAGE IS HERE

Right, I am sorry for any naughty lingo I may or not use.

Vegetarianism and CFS (maybe some IBS too)

"You know Camille, If you just ate some meat you wouldnt be tired anymore. You're just lacking in iron".

The amount of times I've had that famous line thrown at me.

GUESS WHAT BITCHES! I have blood tests all the time. Wanna know something that will chuck that line of yours right back in your fucking stupid face?
My iron levels are high.
Hear that? Yes, you heard right. HIGH.

I have been a Vegetarian for 8 years. Right before I turned 10, I said to myself "You know what? Why am I eating meat when I love animals so much?". Not many 9 year olds think about that kinda stuff.
As soon as I stopped eating meat, I felt better. Amazing. I was happy in knowing that I wasnt hurting any living thing.

Then the old CFS rolls on in and the same stupid line was repeated over and over again.

Mum was sure that when my IBS started, It was because I didnt eat meat. She asked every doctor and the same answer was given. "If she ate meat, She'd be in alot more pain"

CFS and IBS are nothing to do with not eating meat.

Meat takes 3 days to start breaking down in your stomach. Can you imagine having IBS and having a piece of rotting meat stuck in your guts? What about making my body work harder to digest meat? That wouldnt help my energy levels either.

Lets also stop to think about the extra Vitamins I'm getting from all the extra veges/fruit I eat. Some veges are Brain food. That sure helps with my concentration levels.

I just realised this isnt coming off as rage-filled as I'd hoped... Better rage it up a lil


Being a vegetarian isnt why I am tired. I have an illness. A REAL illness that effects alot of people worldwide. It is an illness that cant be cured (YET) and it is real. Its not in my head. Its not me trying to get pity. I am sick.

"Oh I get like that all the time. I'm always tired after work" Blah blah. Yeah, you might be tired. Yeah, you might feel sleepy after working 5 days a week. Sure, you can pretend you have CFS. Sure, you can blame vegetarianism. But do you know what its like to feel so tired that walking to the bathroom is a task? Do you know what its like to be only able to do 10 minutes of schoolwork and have to take a break because you cant remember what you read and you want to nap? What about when working for 2 hours almost kills you?

Ok, I also just realised that this has become more of a bitch about CFS than a bitch about Vegetarianism... Oh well. It had to be said.

So next time any of you energy pumped normal people wanna say its because I am a vegetarian,

Peace, Love and normality. It will happen for us one day.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Holosync technology

I've been reading up on and got a free CD of Holosync Meditation.

People have reported having better sleeps, feeling less stressed out and feeling like they have more energy!

I got a free CD off the internet (link below) and I'm about to give it a go!! I'll let you know how it all goes!

BTW, Sleepydust is one fantastic website for CFS info.

Also a big HELLO to my good friend and CFS kid, Margaret. She has had CFS for about ten years and has one wonderful blog. GO THERE.

As you were children!

Peace, love and E to the N to the E to the R to the G to the Y.

Summer where did ya go?

Right, I am still working on the whole Vegetarian post! I have been super busy these past few days with schoolwork, Shopping and of course Alex.
BUT DONT WORRY! The vegetarian rant is still on its way! I'm still fired up about the whole thing.

Winter is on its way now =( I enjoy winter sometimes... Like on those cold stormy days where you curl up by the fire with a blanket and draw. Yeah, I like it then. But every other day sucks ass! My hands are cold right now so its making it hard to type, my lower back is cold and for crying out loud! I cant even wear shorts most days now! AHHH.

ANYWAY, The vegetarian post will be up soon enough. I'll write the rest of it on saturday I think!

Peace, love and energy! Warmth would be nice too!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My hands smell like garlic

Today has been one of those few but lucky days where I feel almost normal.

I managed to do some schoolwork, Ring up the people at wild world ONLY to find that they didnt even order my WOLF T'SHIRT! The manager was all "You arent on here..." Useless poeple.. I also managed to email alot of different people about their products that claim to "Heal" M.E/CFS kids, Go super market shopping (cooking my partner dinner tonight) and do some banking! I am very proud of myself.

Dinner plans for tonight:
Roast Chicken (I'm a vegetarian but Alex isnt... I'll convert him one day!)
Roast potatoes
Roast Carrot
Roast Garlic all covered in olive oil and herbs.
I pulled the whole herb/garlic thing right out of thin air so I bet it fails epicly.

Now, the next blog I am going to write is about being a Vegetarian with CFS. Alot of people have told me that the only reason I am tired, isnt because of CFS but the fact that I am vegetarian. I have been a vegetarian for 8 years now. Its not that fact that I dont eat meat retards!! AHH YOU ALL MAKE ME SO MAD... I am going to save all this anger for my next blog and prove why you retards are wrong about the vegetarian thing. >_>

Until then,
Peace, love and dear Odin give us ENERGY.

Monday, March 8, 2010

The first blog, who I am and what this is about!

Hey there, I'm Camille.

I decided to make a blog about ME/CFS and of course I'll write down things about animals every now and again.

I have had CFS since I was 14 (17 now). There are some wonderful sites out there that provide alot of info on CFS/ME.
Living with CFS isnt fun but I'm turning myself into a human guinea pig this year and I'm going to try out everything I can to help or maybe even cure my CFS.

The reason why animals are apart of this blog is because I love animals. They are my world. I breed Persian cats, Swedish Vallhund dogs, Nepalayan cats and soon Bearded dragons. I work in a pet shop part time and hope (Fingers crossed) to work with wolves when I finish school and uni.

I've been homeschooled all my life, which really helps with the whole CFS rubbish and breeding my animals.

I will start off my next blog with an amazing website that has helped me alot with my CFS. I'll also add some photos of my many animals and hopefully photos of my new baby kittens, depending on when Cinder gives birth.

Peace love and ENERGY! God, I wish I had that.

Camille xox