Thursday, March 18, 2010

Summer where did ya go?

Right, I am still working on the whole Vegetarian post! I have been super busy these past few days with schoolwork, Shopping and of course Alex.
BUT DONT WORRY! The vegetarian rant is still on its way! I'm still fired up about the whole thing.

Winter is on its way now =( I enjoy winter sometimes... Like on those cold stormy days where you curl up by the fire with a blanket and draw. Yeah, I like it then. But every other day sucks ass! My hands are cold right now so its making it hard to type, my lower back is cold and for crying out loud! I cant even wear shorts most days now! AHHH.

ANYWAY, The vegetarian post will be up soon enough. I'll write the rest of it on saturday I think!

Peace, love and energy! Warmth would be nice too!!

1 comment:

  1. I hate winter, but the fashion is so much better :P
    You better not be a fire hog!
